If you own a Samsung fridge with a water dispenser, you may notice the water dispenser light is not working.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to get water in the dark. Enabling the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge is a relatively easy process.

In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to enable the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge and troubleshoot any issues.

How to Enable the Water Dispenser Light on Your Samsung Fridge

Enabling the Water Dispenser Light on Your Samsung Fridge: Step-by-Step Guide

There are some troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the issue, which are,

Step 1: Turn off Your Samsung Fridge

Enabling the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge to turn it off the fridge. This will prevent any electrical mishaps while you work on the control panel.

Step 2: Locate the Control Panel

The control panel on your Samsung fridge is located on the front of the fridge which is above the water dispenser. It is covered with a plastic panel or flap to remove it easily.

Step 3: Press the Fridge and Power Cool Buttons Together

Press and hold the Fridge and Power Cool buttons together for 3-5 seconds. This will activate the control panel and access the water dispenser light setting.

Step 4: Check if the Water Dispenser Light is On

Check to see if water dispenser light is now on. If it is not, there may be an issue with the wiring or bulb. If it is on, congratulations! You have successfully enabled the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge.

Restarting Your Samsung Fridge

Restarting Your Samsung Fridge

If you have followed the steps to enable the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge and it still isn’t working, you may need to restart your fridge. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Unplug Your Samsung Fridge

Restart your Samsung fridge to unplug it from the power source. This will allow to reset and potentially fix any issues causing the water dispenser light to malfunction.

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Step 2: Wait for 30 Seconds

Wait for at least 30 seconds after unplugging your fridge. This gives the fridge’s internal systems time to completely shut down and reset.

Step 3: Plug Your Samsung Fridge Back In

Plug your Samsung Fridge back into the power source. The fridge should turn on and begin running normally again.

If the water dispenser light is still not working after restarting your Samsung fridge, there may be a more serious issue at hand. 

Determine If Your Water Dispenser Light is Disabled

Determine If Your Water Dispenser Light is Disabled

If your Samsung fridge has a water dispenser but the light isn’t working, it may be disabled. Here are a few steps to help you determine if your water dispenser light is disabled:

Check the User Manual

The first step in determining if your water dispenser light is disabled is to check the user manual for your Samsung fridge.

The manual may have troubleshooting tips or instructions for enabling the light that you can follow.

Check the Control Panel

If you don’t have the user manual or it doesn’t provide any helpful information, check the control panel on your Samsung fridge. Look for any buttons or indicators related to the water dispenser light.

Check the Bulb

If the control panel doesn’t provide any information, it’s possible that the bulb for the water dispenser light is simply burnt out or damaged. Check the bulb and replace it if necessary.

Contact a Professional

If you have tried all of the above steps and the water dispenser light is still not working, it’s best to contact a professional for assistance.

They can diagnose and fix any issues with your Samsung fridge’s water dispenser light.

Troubleshooting If the Water Dispenser Light Still Doesn’t Work

Troubleshooting If the Water Dispenser Light Still Doesnt Work

If you have followed the steps to enable the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge and have also restarted it, but the light still doesn’t work, a few troubleshooting steps that you can take:

Check the Water Filter

Sometimes, a clogged water filter can prevent the water dispenser light from working. Check the water filter and replace it if necessary.

Check the Light Bulb

It’s possible that the light bulb for the water dispenser is burnt out or damaged. Check the bulb and replace it if necessary.

Check the Wiring

If the water filter and light bulb are both working properly, the issue may be with the wiring. Check the wiring for any damage or lose connections.

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If you’re not comfortable with checking the wiring yourself, it’s best to contact a professional for assistance.

Why You Need a Water Dispenser Light on Your Samsung Fridge

Why You Need a Water Dispenser Light on Your Samsung Fridge

Having a water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge can be incredibly helpful. Here are a few reasons why:


Having a water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge can be incredibly convenient, especially when you need a quick glass of water in the middle of the night or in a dark room.

You can easily see where the water is dispensing from, and make sure your glass is properly positioned.


Having a light on the water dispenser can prevent accidental spills or splashes in the dark.

This is particularly important for families with children or elderly members, who may be more prone to falls or accidents.

The light can also make it easier to see any spills or leaks, so you can clean them up quickly and prevent any potential slip hazards.


Turning on the lights in the kitchen every time you want to get water can waste energy, if you’re just getting a quick drink.

With a water dispenser light, you can save energy and still have access to water. This can be particularly beneficial for those who are conscious about their energy usage or who are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact.


A water dispenser light can add a sleek and modern touch to your Samsung fridge, enhancing the overall appearance of your kitchen.

This can be particularly beneficial if you have a modern or minimalist kitchen design, as it can help to tie everything together.


Without a water dispenser light, it can be difficult to see if the dispenser is working properly, leading to potential damage or malfunction over time.

You can easily see if the dispenser is dispensing water as it should be, and address any potential issues before they become more serious.


With a water dispenser light, you can easily see if the dispenser needs to be cleaned, ensuring that your water stays clean and healthy to drink.

This can be important for your living in an area with hard water, which can cause mineral buildup.

Ease of use:

A water dispenser light can make it easier to see the different settings and options available on your Samsung fridge’s water dispenser, making it easier to use and adjust as needed.

To make it beneficial you have to have multiple people in your household to use the dispenser, as it can help everyone to use it correctly and efficiently.

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Can Enabling the Water Dispenser Light Cause a Samsung Refrigerator to Leak Water Under the Crisper Drawers?

Enabling the water dispenser light on a Samsung refrigerator may potentially lead to water leakage under the crisper drawers. To prevent such issues, it is essential to explore samsung refrigerator water leakage solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Enable The Water Dispenser Light On My Samsung Fridge?

The process for enabling the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge will depend on the model and the type of fridge you have. You can access the settings menu on the fridge’s control panel, and look for an option to turn on the water dispenser light. You need to adjust the brightness or timing of the light depending on its preference.

Why Isn’t My Water Dispenser Light Working, Even Though I Enabled It?

There could be several reasons why your water dispenser light isn’t working, even if you’ve enabled it in the settings. There is a problem with the light bulb or wiring, or there is a software issue with the fridge’s control panel. If you’ve checked the settings and the light still isn’t working, you may need to contact Samsung customer support or a qualified technician for assistance.

Can I Adjust The Brightness Or Timing Of The Water Dispenser Light On My Samsung Fridge?

Yes, in most cases you should be able to adjust the brightness or timing of the water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge, using the settings menu on the control panel. Conserve energy, prefer a dimmer or brighter light.

Do I Need To Replace The Light Bulb In My Water Dispenser?

If your water dispenser light isn’t working, the light bulb needs to be replaced. You should check the settings menu on the fridge’s control panel to make sure the light is enabled and the brightness/timing is adjusted correctly. You can try replacing the bulb or contacting Samsung customer support or a qualified technician for assistance with further issues.


Having a water dispenser light on your Samsung fridge can provide several benefits, including convenience, safety, energy-saving, aesthetics, durability, hygiene, and ease of use.

Enabling the water dispenser light on your fridge is a simple process that can be done through the settings menu on the control panel.

Contacting Samsung customer support or a qualified technician can help resolve the problem.

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